Due to inclement weather, the Church Office and the Day School will be closed Thursday and Friday (Jan 9-10, 2025).
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Volunteers are a blessing to Custer Road UMC!
We couldn’t do this without you.


We are excited to have more people returning to in-person worship. You can be part of making worship a meaningful experience for all our guests by serving on our Hospitality Ministry Team as a Greeter, an Usher, a Parking Lot Attendant, or a Coffee Host. Volunteers serve on one Sunday per month. We’ll get you connected and trained, and family-friendly serving opportunities are available! All that is required is a smile. Let us know you’re interested by filling out our Hospitality Volunteer Interest Form.


If you have already spoken with a Ministry Coordinator who has requested you to complete the Application for Background Check, click HERE (Ministry Mobilizer) to access that form. On the form, click on the applicable Ministry Area on the left, then select the “Application for Background Check” link on the right. Since many opportunities require the volunteer to pass a background check, the last page of the application authorizes Custer Road UMC to perform the background check at our expense. Background checks are considered current for two years for ALL ministry areas. They will be re-run automatically every two years thereafter as long as you are actively serving at Custer Road UMC.


The congregation of Custer Road UMC is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all people who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church. Any adult working with children, youth and/or vulnerable adults will be required to view a series of Ministry Safe video trainings prior to serving. Once your background check has been completed, you will be emailed a link to view the Ministry Safe videos. Upon completion of the questionnaire (with a minimum score of 70%) at the conclusion of the video presentation, your training is considered valid for two years, and will be re-administered every two years thereafter as long as you are actively serving at Custer Road UMC.

Some volunteer roles require additional training. Contact your staff liaison for more information and next steps.