We love kids at Custer Road UMC!
We have robust programs that engage and delight kids helping them to learn all about the love of Jesus.

Upcoming Events
April 20 | CRKids Easter | 3-5pm | Registration
May 18 | Gospel Gang Spring Musical | 11am | Sanctuary
May 27-30 | Cross Cheer Camp | Registration
June 2-6 | Broadway Bound Camp | K-5th Registration | (completed grades 5-8) Registration
June 23-27 | VBS | Details Coming Soon!
June 30-July 3 | Triumph Basketball Camp | Registration
July 7-11 | Bridgeport Summer Camp | Registration
(for completed grades 3-5)
July 21-24 | Science Camp | Registration
We joyfully welcome children to join us in worship, and we have a designated moment during the 8:30 traditional worship services where we invite children to come forward. We encourage children to participate in this special time. If your children prefer to attend Sunday School, or if you have infants who would be more comfortable in our professionally staffed nursery, we have those options available as well. Upon entering the Sanctuary, our friendly ushers and greeters will be readily available to assist you in finding the Kids area. Just approach them, and they will gladly guide you to the appropriate location.

8:30AM, 9:45AM, and 11:00AM for children from birth to walking

Preschool Sunday School
8:30AM, 9:45AM, and 11:00AM
for 2-4 year olds

Elementary Sunday School
8:30AM, 9:45AM and 11:00AM hours for grades kindergarten through fifth grade

Special Needs
Custer road UMC provides a variety of care for children with special needs.
Overflow – respite care program one Friday a month, and a special time for social interaction, friendship and fun for teens with special needs between the ages of 12-18 years.
Sunday Morning Friends – a program for children, elementary age and older, who need assistance getting to a class or worship and/or need assistance in a Sunday school class at 8:30 and 9:45am.
Reservations for Sunday mornings are required by Saturday morning. Call or text Carol Brady, 972-814-0800.
For more information on our Special Needs programs, email the Director of Friday NITE Friends/Special Needs Ministries, Carol Brady
Friday NITE Friends – a respite care program for children, birth to age 15.
Helpful Things to Know
- Any prescription or over the counter medication must be accompanied by a completed Medication Administration Request Form and turned in to the Director of Children’s Ministry.
- Medications are considered to be any pills, liquids, inhalers, sprays, eye drops, ear drops, cough drops or topically applied creams or ointments that are expected to relieve symptoms.
- Only medications that cannot be given at home will be given at church.
- For the safety of all children, all medication should be delivered to the Director of Children’s Ministry by a parent/guardian and not stored in a child’s bag with the exception of insulin, asthma reliever inhalers, or emergency epinephrine. The Director of Children’s ministry must be made aware of life saving medication stored in a child’s bag and a Medication Administration Request Form in addition to an Action Plan must be completed and on file.
- It is recommended that the first dose of any medication be given at home where the parent can monitor the effects.
- Prescription medication must be in the original labeled pharmacy container and will be administered in compliance with the prescription instructions printed on the label.
- Expired medications will not be given.
- Custer Road UMC cannot and will not store any medication. All medication must be picked up by the parent/guardian at the conclusion of the event.
**A current medical release must be on file for all children that may require medication while in our care due to allergies or other ongoing medical conditions. Click here to fill out the medical release.
The congregation of Custer Road UMC is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children, youth and volunteers who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church. Church policy reflects our congregation’s commitment to preserving this church as a holy place of safety and protection for all who would enter and as a place in which all people can experience the love of God through relationships with others. No adult who has been convicted of child abuse (either sexual abuse, physical abuse or emotional abuse) should volunteer to work with children or youth in any church-sponsored activity.
- Child care arrangements must be made through the director of child care.
- Child care requests must be made through the EventU system 10 days prior to the beginning of classes, Bible studies or any other event by the staff liaison.
- Reservations for child care must be turned in to the director of child care 4 days prior to the event. Reservations for child care must be taken by someone within the sponsoring group. Child care providers will be scheduled based on the number of children who have a reservation and/or if a minimum of three families are represented.
- Child care providers will be given a list of children with reservations prior to the event. In the event the adult-to-child ratio becomes unsafe (due to sick child care providers and/or too many children without reservations), parents will be asked to stay in the rooms or children will be turned away.
- Child care is not available for Sunday school class parties or outings, weddings, funerals, or other “non-meeting” type events.
- In order to ensure privacy for our child care providers, no names and/or phone numbers of providers will be released by our staff or volunteers.
- Parents using the child care facilities while at an off-site, church related location must have an up-to-date, notarized Medical Form on file with the director of child care prior to the off-site event. Forms may be obtained in the front office and a notary is usually on hand from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
- Only parents/guardians may sign a child in and out, not brothers or sisters. This is for the child’s protection.
- Child care providers will be paid for one hour if a group “no shows.”
- Two or more child care providers will be required at all times during scheduled child care.
- Child care is for children ages 10 years and under. The director of child care must review all exceptions (i.e. children between the ages of 10 and 13).
During non-worship meetings and events, child care can usually be made available. You must have a reservation for each child you leave in our care. Please make reservations with your small group or leader at least four days in advance of your meeting or event. If you are organizing a gathering at the church and think you may need childcare, please contact our nursery coordinator as early as possible.
At Custer Road, we believe that reading and studying the Bible is central to growing in our faith as Christians. That’s why we present Bibles to our new Kindergarten and Third Grade CR Kids on special Sundays twice a year.
Kindergarten Bibles: At the end of summer, we have a wonderful tradition where our outgoing seniors for the previous school year present a Bible to each of our new incoming Kindergartners. This takes place during our 11am worship service in our Sanctuary on Youth Sunday. The Bible the kindergartners receive is a story Bible geared towards their age group.
Third Grade Bibles: In the fall semester, our third grade students are presented with a third grade bible during our worship service. These Bibles are more traditional and are appropriate for the third grade reading level to help the students learn more about their faith as they continue their faith journey. They are all given a very precious gift of God’s word through our third grade Bible program.
Bible Donations: At Custer Road, we offer the opportunity for our Custer Road Family to participate in the presentation of the Bibles through gifting a donation towards the purchase of a Bible/Bibles. If you would like to help continue our Bible traditions, click on the button below and make a donation today. Select “Other” from the drop-down menu and then type Kindergarten Bibles or Third Grade Bibles in the description line to indicate where you would like your donation to be applied.