Due to inclement weather, the Church Office and the Day School will be closed Thursday and Friday (Jan 9-10, 2025).
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As a follower of Christ, we are obligated to deepen our faith, continue in prayer and to grow spiritually each day. Custer Road UMC offers many programs and events to help you in your spiritual walk. If you have an urgent prayer need, please let us know.

2024 Dates Coming Soon!

Linda's Loving LegacyLinda Van Horn left a lasting, loving legacy before her passing in 2020. Wherever she went, Linda always carried wooden crosses with her. When the Holy Spirit prompted, she would give 2 crosses to those she encountered with the simple message- take one for yourself to keep and take another to give to someone else. She would then pray with them and was known to many as “That Prayer Lady.” Linda’s generosity knew no limits and her faithful witness helped grow God’s kingdom each and every day. To carry on her legacy, Custer Road UMC is continuing her tradition. Please take a cross, or two, from the baskets in the Prayer Room. Let the Spirit move you and when prompted, give the cross out to those that you meet.

Linda's Loving Legacy

Custer Road UMC has a dedicated Prayer Room for those seeking a quiet place to pray and reflect on God’s word. The Prayer Room is located on the first floor, in the back hallway behind the Sanctuary. It is open Monday thru Thursday, 9am-4:30pm; on Friday, 9-noon, and on Sunday, 8:30am-noon.

Holy Communion is offered in the Prayer Room each Sunday from 9:30-9:45am and 10:45-11:00am except for the first Sunday of each month where Communion is given during all worship service times.

Volunteers from Custer Road UMC use their talents to crochet prayer shawls for those in need. Each shawl is beautifully handcrafted and as it is constructed, prayers of healing and blessing are said for the recipient.

Do you know someone who is going through a health crisis or dealing with chronic medical issues? Consider presenting them with a crocheted prayer shawl so that they can be “wrapped in prayer” and receive comfort and calm as they face difficult situations.

Fill out the form here to request a prayer shawl for someone.


Do you have the spiritual gift to lift others in daily prayer?If so, consider joining the Prayer Ministry team to pray for the many needs of our congregation. Congregant prayers are sent vail email to each team member who can pray for these needs at home and on their own schedule.

Join the Prayer Team

Sunday | Jun 30 & Sept 29 | 9:00am | The Prayer Room

Healing was central to the ministry of Jesus. It was a sign of God’s kingdom, bringing renewal and wholeness of life to those who turned to God in their need.

Lay down your burdens: physical, emotional or spiritual, during this beautiful Service of Healing & Restoration. Enjoy time for quiet reflection and meditation as well as prayer. Focus on the promises of God and receive the hope of the coming Christ. Whether you are dealing with illness, grief, anxiety, fear or economic hardship, this service offers peace.

No registration is required.

Are you searching for a closer, deeper relationship with God?  Do you have trouble noticing the works of God in your life? Do you hunger for a closer walk with God?  Do you have difficulty being still and knowing God?

If these questions resonate with you, a Spiritual Director may be the perfect fit. Custer Road UMC offers trained Spiritual Directors that are available to meet with you individually to help you experience God in a transformative way.  This program is free and usually meets monthly. Depending on Spiritual Director availability, meetings may be more frequent.


  • A Spiritual Director is one who helps another to recognize and to follow the inspirations of grace in their lives, in order to arrive at the end to which God is leading. -Thomas Merton
  • A Spiritual Director is a fellow companion, one whose role is not to direct, but to walk alongside another through prayer, listening, questions and spiritual practices.
  • A Spiritual Director helps others to notice where God has been and is working in their lives, enabling them to experience God as available and accessible in fresh and unexpected ways.
  • A Spiritual Director accompanies others in their spiritual journey to experience an intimate relationship with God through the Holy Spirit.
  • A Spiritual Director accompanies others as they seek to look, listen, discern and move closer to the heart of God.
  • A Spiritual Director will walk alongside an individual as they seek to steady their spiritual gaze in the direction of God.
  • A Spiritual Director is one who is learning to listen in love to what God is saying to a spiritual friend.
  • A Spiritual Director helps others to share the sacred stories of their life.

Email Rev. Sharon O’Connor for more information.