Thank you for your generosity!
We want to make giving SIMPLE.
Choose your giving method below:
We have two ways to give to Custer Road UMC: Arena and Pushpay.

Why Arena?
- The Arena giving site allows users to create one-time or schedule recurring gifts AND access contribution history all in one place.
- Contribution history shows ALL gifts given, not just those online.
- The site is mobile friendly but does not have a separate app for mobile devices (unless you bookmark the page or add to your home screen).
- Click the “Give via Arena” button above to open the Arena website.
- Click the blue button that says “You are not logged in. Click here to log in.”
- Scroll down and click the blue REGISTER button.
- Fill out the screen for New Account Request. Choose your own User ID and Password. Click the REGISTER button.
- After registering, you can setup a recurring or one time gift by following the on screen instructions.

Why Pushpay?
- One-time gifts and/or repeating payments can both be scheduled through Pushpay.
- Only shows the history of gifts made online through Pushpay, not gifts given via check, cash, etc.
- Pushpay offers a mobile-friendly app.
You can pay through Pushpay by clicking on the button above or by downloading and installing the Pushpay app:
Consider an Endowment Gift
The vision of the Custer Road UMC Permanent Endowment and Planned Giving Ministry is to provide members and friends of Custer Road UMC the opportunity to make significant gifts to the church, either as direct gifts or through estate planning and bequests.