March 5 - April 12
Mar 5 | Imposition of Ashes | 11am-12pm | Sanctuary
Mar 5 | Pancake Supper | 5pm | The Commons | TICKETS
Mar 5 | Ash Wednesday Service | 6:30pm | Sanctuary
Sundays | Beginning Mar 9 | 5:30-7pm | Room B6 | REGISTER
Upheld: Meeting our Trustworthy God Through Isaiah. Learn to let go of fear and find the comfort that God promises each of us with this 6-week women’s study. Led by Tiffanny Hosey.
Tuesdays | Beginning Mar 22 | 12-1:30pm | Room B6 | REGISTER
Deepen your journey with Christ during our 6-week Lenten Bible study, The Walk by Adam Hamilton, where you will learn the 5 essential spiritual practices every Christian should know. Led by the CARE ministries team.
Holy Week
April 13 - April 19
Apr 13 | Palm Sunday | 8:30, 9:45, and 11am
Worship with us as we begin Holy Week, celebrating Jesus’ coming to Jerusalem with a CRKids parade at each service.
Apr 17 | Maundy Thursday | 7:30pm
A special worship service featuring Revelation Choir senior high school students presenting the Last Supper. Communion will be served. Childcare unavailable.
Apr 18 | Good Friday | 7:30pm
A special music inspired Tenebrae service featuring the Chancel Choir. Childcare unavailable.
All Holy Week services are livestreamed on crumc.org and Facebook.
Easter Sunday
April 20
Sonrise | 6:30am | Front Entrance
Traditional | 8:30 & 11am | Sanctuary
Modern | 9:45am | Sanctuary
Español | 12:30pm | The Venue
Communion | 9:15-9:45am & 10:30-11:00am | The Prayer Room
Parking: Available at The Guinn Center (northwest corner Custer/Legacy) 7:30am-1:30pm
CRKids: Nursery available at 8:30, 9:45 & 11am services. Elementary age children are invited to worship with family.

Sunday | Apr 20 | 3-5pm | REGISTER