“What does Custer Road care about?”
“What do Methodists believe and why do I need to know that?”
Finding opportunities to connect can feel overwhelming with all kinds of different programs and events. We can have lots of questions about church, whether we’re walking through the doors for the first time or have been coming for years. Sometimes we aren’t sure where to get our questions answered. Exploring Custer Road is designed to allow attendees to learn about Custer Road, Methodism, and what it means to be involved in church membership.
August 18 | 9:00am-12:00pm | Connection Point
Become A Member: Are you interested in becoming a member of Custer Road UMC? Stop by the Connection Point to get your questions answered! No registration necessary.
September 15 | 11:00am | Upper Room
Exploring Custer Road: Anyone interested in learning about Methodism and getting connected at Custer Road is invited to attend this one-time class. Email Kathy Egan to register.